I remember as a young kid there was always one weekend I truly despised. The dread would begin as the snow started to melt, the sun began to shine warmer and longer and patches of grass would begin to appear in the yard - that dreaded weekend? Spring cleaning! Literally, all of the carpets that weren't tacked down were brought outside and beaten to the point that even a mite couldn't find something to eat. Bed sheets, towels, sofa cushions and sometimes mattresses were hauled outdoors to absorb a small dose of fresh air in preparation for the summer humidity and all too soon re-appearance of the winter months. We scrubbed the house from top to bottom until it sparkled, shined and smelled like a hospital, I mean a fresh garden. (Sorry mom). Spring cleaning has seemingly gone out of vogue. We clean, we organize, but the true top to bottom, corner to corner, side to side house spring cleaning doesn't happen in our modern world.
The same has happened with cars. Maybe because paint doesn't fade, cars don't need to be constantly repaired, and probably because they just don't rust anymore that full spring cleaning regimen of car cleaning is becoming something of folklore and legend. I am here to say don't let that happen to your car. Regardless

of where you live, winter or summer climes, dirt roads or highways that are swept daily, rain or snow, sun or shade, all of our cars have earned, and deserve, a good thorough cleaning - inside and out and they will be better for it. Once the full cleaning has completed the pride you once had of your car will reappear and the thoughts of trading it in on the new and more sexy model will disappear. Who would think that a good cleaning can save you thousands of dollars!

The question though, why is spring cleaning so important? First and foremost your car will run better. How? I don't know but it just will, maybe it makes your car happy!
You spend a beautiful spring afternoon washing the car, giving it a high shine wax, a full vacuum and interior clean, make the glass near invisible and the car will just run better. It won't take a dead car and make it alive through some form prestidigitation but a running car will be better to drive. You will notice the annoying creaks and rattles will be gone, the engine will seem to run more smoothly, it will be quieter and overall feel like that new car that you fell in love with one, two or maybe many years ago. You don't believe me? Get out there and try it today and then go for a ride.
A better running car is always great but a full on, sweat inducing, scrubbing and cleaning of your car will have many other positive effects. (By the way, my mantra is 'If you don't sweat while cleaning your car, your car is still dirty'.) So what are these things:
First, it gives you time to find those small issues with your car that may need to be repaired or just be watched. Nicks, scratches, missing paint, maybe even the horrible rust blister (of which my little baby now has one) will be noticed. A touch up stick, some rubbing compound or maybe even a short trip to the local body shop will prevent thousands of dollars of body repair in the future. Even the shining of those tires might help you spot a damaged tire which not only will save your car but potentially your life.

Second, it provides you with bonding time for your car. While this may seem great only to those who are truly car obsessed, you will see that those that have only a casual friendship with that transportation thing in the driveway will also benefit.

As a high school student I used to pull my car around the back of the house, put on my favorite cassette, yes I am old, and clean away. After two or three hours of polishing and buffing and listening to music my car and I became one. I would become familiar where dirt, and salt, and eventually rust would accumulate. I knew where my car had flaws and where it was perfect as if it just rolled out of the factory. Just like you will spend time with someone you love to get to know them better, you need to spend quality and alone time with your car to get to know it better. And for those of you wondering, Queen 'Live Killers' was my cassette of choice.
A final benefit is that you will once again become proud of your car. A shiny clean car, even an old one, just looks better and it will make you proud. You will take that second look back as you walk into the store. You will look into the giant plate glass store windows to see you and your car cruise by.

You will watch to see if others are noticing how cool and nice your car is. Think of it as spending the winter working out, losing weight and finally being able to show off all of that work. A good polish and shine allows you to do the same thing to your vehicle. I have a 38 year old car that is pretty rough looking, and that statement is probably generous. Just last week I spent some time washing and cleaning her and, honestly, she looked better. I can't wax her because, well, that requires real paint and mine doesn't have much at this point, but the wheels looked better, the remaining chrome shined better, and overall she just looked, I don't know, happier. At this past weekend's Cars and Coffee more people stopped to look at her than have ever before. I was a proud papa!

These are just a few benefits of the spring cleaning, there is not enough space to list them all. I just hope that I have excited many of you to go out there and clean that car of yours. For those in the southern hemisphere you can probably go out and clean today. For those in the northern hemisphere, it might be another month but don't lose that enthusiasm. A good rule of thumb? If you can see crocuses poking through the ground, a spring clean is safe to start.

One final comment about spring cleaning your car - having someone else do it does not count. I admit, spending $100 to $150 for someone to clean your car may sound easier and, since they are professionals, they may do a better job than you but those services should be for Concours or Pebble Beach showings, not for the car you drive regularly. Having someone else clean your car is like having a nanny watch your child. Yes they do a good job and will describe to you everything that happened that day but unless you experience the events it is only second hand knowledge. So save the money and invest the time.
That's the thing about spring cleaning cars, you get so much more than just a clean car.
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